In the late fall of 2006, we opened our humble little farmstand on Lilac with a pop-up tent and a plastic table. We offered coffee, hot yerba maté, muffins and an array of fresh homegrown organic produce. Soon after, we started selling homemade apple pies for the holiday season.
We did all we could to make it a nice place for our neighbors to stop by. The little house behind our stand was nearly in ruins, yet there was a hope of restoration in our hearts. We had the vision that someday our sleepy little farmstand would be a warm and welcoming place to sit and have a steamed sandwich or a dessert. But it was going to need some tender loving care and lot of hard work.
We started by sweeping the steps and pulling out the weeds. Then we painted our little house a bright cheery yellow. We knew The Yellow Deli (even a little one) would be the perfect spot for all of our neighbors to come and find some old-fashioned hospitality. It is nestled in a peaceful valley, far from any other retail establishment. Out in the country, our farmstead is shaded by big ancient oaks, kept company by the cows in the surrounding pastures and is nicely located next to year round Keys Creek.
When we first set out, our little bubbling brook was hidden behind wild overgrowth, but we dreamed of a day when we could offer hospitality to our neighbors as they sat by creek side tables. So we put our “hands to the plow” and without looking back, began the work of restoration at our little farmstead.
Over a period of two years, the dilapidated, old Sears kit house was transformed into a cozy nook, where all are welcome to come, for a bit of rest and reprieve from the fast-paced modern life.
The overgrowth was cleared out, right down to the creek and is slowly, but surely blossoming into a lovely little garden. We acquired a mobile kitchen and through much effort converted it into a quaint Deli kitchen.
Now our mobile kitchen lives next door to our beautiful little farmstead and from there we serve our delicious Deli menu items. In early spring of 2011, we opened up our little Deli on Lilac Road and now our neighbors can behold the vision we sought after. We have an inviting place to meet and serve our neighbors, and offer them good food, fresh produce and a place to belong.
32011 Lilac Road
Valley Center, CA 92082
United States